Marion Medical Mission (MMM) has a pump manufacturing workshop on the Loudon Station, located next to the Donald Fraser Guest House.
Every year, they manufacture some or all of the parts of over 3,000 shallow well Mark V hand pumps. The shop is supervised by Mr. Henry Soko. All of the workers have been with the program for more than 20 years. They are all local villagers who started as well builders/installers.
Unloading PVC Pipe at Workshop.
Turning foot-valve on new lathe
Hand threading pipes
Marion Medical Mission has been building pumps and installing protected water wells in Malawi and neighboring countries since 1990. In that time they have installed over 40,000 wells. These are built in conjunction with the villagers who contribute as much as they can, including bricks and labor to dig the well. They then pay a small annual maintenance fee to ensure the wells are sustainable.
Drilling holes in foot-valve
Threading pipe on power threader
YOU ARE WELCOME TO VISIT!. If you are in Embangweni some time, feel free to stop in to visit the workshop and see how they produce large quantities of high quality parts. It is amazing to see what they can do. Mr Soko is usually around and willing to show you the shop.